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PR After Hours
A Special Offer for Aspiring Writers

A Special Offer for Aspiring Writers

If you are an aspiring writer who wants to learn more about the world of publishing, welcome to the Oasis.

Oasis is a live virtual writer’s workshop on Saturday, May 1, 2021, tailored to the needs of the aspiring writer. This four-hour Zoom workshop features four speakers (including our own Alex Greenwood) with a century of combined experience in the writing and publishing realm.

The workshop will answer many questions you may have as a beginning writer and provide the tools to start. At the end of this lively morning, you will have a step-by-step plan to begin this fantastic journey.

Best of all, you can join us at Oasis from the comfort of your own home. So, register today, then pour a cup of coffee on May 1st and get ready to delve into an exciting experience that will inspire, inform, and invigorate you as your publishing journey begins.

So You Want to Write a Book: The Basics of Self-Publishing

Cost: $25.00

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Time: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Where: Your home computer

To Register:

Session Topics:

9 a.m.-9:50 a.m. Where Do I Start My Publishing Journey?

Presenter: Leanna Brunner. The ever-changing world of publishing and writing has become a whirlwind of change during the past several years especially. It is a difficult world to traverse, especially for beginning writers who have no idea where to begin. This introductory session will provide you an overall step-by-step approach in beginning your publishing journey and provide a concrete game plan for you to not just start, but finish this daunting but rewarding bucket-list project.

10 a.m-10.50 am. Red Alerts for Writers

Presenter: J. Alexander (Alex) Greenwood. Certainly, it’s a great time to be a writer, as there are more options than ever for independent writers to bring their work to market. However, there are also potential pitfalls due to unscrupulous business practices. In this session, author and writer services consultant Alex Greenwood shares his “red alerts”—vital information to prevent you from being scammed by nefarious companies that prey on the dreams of writers.

11 a.m.-11:50 a.m. Self-Editing

Presenter: Tiffany White. Learn how to effectively edit your manuscript by taking the biggest concepts from developmental, line, and copy editing to creating action steps to revise and polish your story.

Noon-12:50 p.m. Book Formatting

Presenter: Les Lynam. After you’ve tightened up all the typos, plot holes, misused words, etc., you’re ready to publish. BUT FIRST… you need to format your work so it will look good to the reader. In this session, we will talk about the basics of formatting the interior of your book. Much of the work can be done in a word processor (we will specifically be looking at Microsoft Word) and a specialized authoring software (we will focus on the product Scrivener). Formatting for ebooks and paperbacks are two separate processes, though those processes are merging as the publishing platforms develop new tools to assist you.

To Register:

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