Groundbreaking TV phenomenon 'The Sopranos' was a blend of drama, humor, sex and betrayal, with darkly comic brushstrokes. Airing from 1999 to 2007, it was the story of the Italian-American mobster Tony Soprano balancing his family life with his role as the leader of a crime family, and in 2021, it’s one of the hottest shows on TV. Alex loved it and is ecstatic to welcome Nick Braccia to the show.
Braccia is the author of Off the Back of a Truck: Unofficial Contraband for the Sopranos Fan. This fun book takes you one step further into the world of Tony Soprano and his families, offering an Italian potluck of fresh and fun takes that any true fan can get lost in for hours.
He is a Cannes Lions– and Clio–winning writer, director, and producer. In 2018, he co-created and co-executive produced the horror podcast Video Palace for AMC Network’s streaming service Shudder. While working at the marketing agency Campfire, he helped to develop immersive, narrative experiences for TV shows like Outcast, Sense8, Watchmen, The Man in the High Castle, Westworld, and The Purge. Braccia is a member of the Producers Guild of America.
Buy the book here. More about the book including audio excerpts, click here.
Follow Nick on Twitter: @NickBraccia.
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Be sure to check out Alex's public relations show, PR After Hours, available wherever you get your podcasts, and on AnchorFM. Original theme music "Mysterious Goings On" by Jamie Green. Want your own cool score for your podcast or website? Contact Jamie at Greenhouse Consulting. Check out Jamie's interview on the show here.
This episode of the Mysterious Goings On Podcast was recorded and mixed at Green Shebeen Studios in beautiful Kansas City, Missouri. Copyright 2021, all rights reserved. No reproduction, excerpting, or other use without written permission. We are an Amazon Associates seller, some of our links may earn us a commission.
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Nick Braccia and the Definitive Book on The Sopranos