Jane Biondi Munna joins us to share the story of her father, media executive Frank Biondi, and how the importance of treating people with fairness and integrity was the hallmark of his life and career. She is co-author of “Let’s Be Frank,” with her late father, who ran HBO, Viacom, and Universal Studios over the course of the 1970s, 80s, and 90s, building many franchises you still love such as Seinfeld and Law and Order.
The book is a business-focused memoir full of lessons on doing deals, building relationships, acting with integrity, and defining your own success, and is a Publisher’s Weekly Booklife editor’s pick. Listen in for fascinating anecdotes and lessons on success.
* Treating people with fairness and integrity * Grief and Writing * Frank Biondi's business practices * A story of a little movie filmed in Las Vegas * Her Dad's superpower of listening with a story about Merv Griffin * Reflection on her writing process * Her Dad's Perspective on good luck * How his business acumen led to Seinfeld
Be sure to email Alex your name and address for your chance to win an autographed copy of “Let’s Be Frank.” Hurry! The contest ends on May 1, 2023. Entries will be numbered, and the winner selected by a randomizer. All entry emails will be added to our podcast email list. Unsubscribe anytime.
Connect: Letsbefrankbook.com Jane Biondi Munna on LinkedIn
Buy the Book here.
This excellent memoir traces the story of Frank Biondi’s epic forty-year career taught me much and reinforced many important things to remember as a businessperson, father, spouse, and friend. You are your values--but only if you truly live them. The way you treat others is so much more important than material things, titles, or feeling important. We should all strive to Be Frank! -- J. Alexander Greenwood, host and producer, Mysterious Goings On podcast
Visit Alex Greenwood's website: JAlexanderGreenwood.com. For show notes and more, visit the show website at MGOPod.com.
Follow him on Twitter: @A_Greenwood
This Mysterious Goings On Podcast episode was recorded and mixed at Green Shebeen Studios in beautiful Kansas City, Missouri. Copyright 2023, all rights reserved. No reproduction, excerpting, or other use without written permission.
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Being Frank with Jane Biondi Munna